Battle of the Nations 2018: Italia protagonista
Finalmente, ci siamo! Qualche ora fa è stata annunciata la location ufficiale che andrà ad ospitare l’edizione 2018 del World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations” e si tratta di una località italiana!
Il luogo è lo splendido castello di Santa Severa: uno dei luoghi più suggestivi del territorio laziale, situato lungo la costa Tirrenica a Nord di Roma. Un patrimonio di inestimabile valore sia storico che culturale.
Di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale:
“HMBIA proudly presents the Castle of Santa Severa as the official location for the World Championship in HMB “Battle of the Nations”-2018, that will be held on 3-6th May. The castle was built in the 14th century, and its medieval spirit will provide us with the most outstanding complement to the atmosphere of the Championship!
Santa Severa is one of the most fascinating places in the Lazio Region, close to Rome. It is one of the most important and striking monuments of archaeological and historic interest on the Tyrrhenian coast, which will help to create the necessary atmosphere of the Middle Ages and will inspire the participants of the tournament for exploits.
You will feel and see the history there! Additionally, everyone can explore the archaeological area of Pyrgi – one of the most important and historical spots in Italy. After tough fights with the strongest HMB athletes in the world you can even hit the beach! It one of the best places you can ever visit – historical castle, awesome views and the seaside. It’s important to mention that there will be everything that everyone could need – a camp with dry hay, fresh water, firewood and all the necessary infrastructure items like showers and toilets.
As you can see, the place has much more opportunities for having fun than any other spot in the center of the city including free beach, wide fields for encampments with bonfires and others. And those ancient walls are a really perfect background for the greatest battle ever.
Participants and support teams can live at the historical camp right in front of the Castle. Additionally, there is a possibility to live in the modern camp that will be placed next to historical one. If you have already booked accommodation in Rome, the fastest and easiest way to reach Santa Severa from Rome – is by Train. It costs 4 EUR and takes only 52 minutes from Termini to Santa Severa station and then 10 minutes’ walk to the Castle.
Prepare yourself and join us on 3-6 May at the most epic event of HMB movement!”
Questo magico luogo accoglierà, dal 3 al 6 Maggio, trentatré nazioni costituite da donne e uomini che si sfideranno in diverse categorie (e diversi armeggi: spada a due mani, spada e scudo, spada e brocchiero, armi in asta) , ben contraddistinte da un regolamento specifico. In breve le categorie sono:
- Duello 1 vs 1;
- “Buhurt” 5 vs 5;
- “Buhurt” 21 vs 21 (solo maschile);
- “Tutti contro Tutti” (fuori competizione).
Se volete maggiori informazioni sulle categorie e su tutto quello che vi incuriosisce vi invito caldamente a visitare il sito ufficiale del Battle of the Nation (link: e ovviamente likare la pagina ufficiale del Team Italy che quest’anno, come non mai, porterà alta la bandiera del Bel Paese giocando “in casa”.
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